Why Japanese don’t know KOBIDO?





Hi ,This is Hiroko Kazama (and other name is Sangeet).

I am Kobido Facialist.


Why Japanese people don’t know about Kobido?

It’s mystery.

Kobido is Japanese traditional facial massage but Japanese people nobody knows this KOBIDO.






Kobido is secret technics since 500years ago in Japan and this technics comes from shiatsu and anma.

Kobido is just share only few people in Japan. It’s imperial family or certain rich people.

Now this technics cross the sea beyond the country and finally recognized foreigners.

and it’s true story Japanese don’t know Kobido but foreigner knows.



This story is similar to other stories…



Japanese facial massage tokyo kobido 国際認定フェイシャリスト フェイシャル マッサージ 本質美 若返り リラクゼーション リフトアップ 小顔 トーンアップ オーガニックアーユルヴェーダ自然化粧品